Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts for 14 March 2013:

I'd like to hear from anyone about how they feel about silence. Here are some thoughts from: Petra Rethmann, ‘On Presence’, in Extraordinary Anthropology (eds) in Goulet and Miller 2007, pp.36-52:

‘Silence is never quite empty, and much learning can transpire in quiet moments.  […] In the tundra, it is not so much the words of humans but the sound of the breaking ice, footfalls on the hardened snow, the gush of rivers, the cries of wild swans, the crackling of grass, the puddles of waters that grow into ponds, the yelping dogs, the rustling of feathers in the snow, and so on, that fills the silence. This is not noise. These are the barely audible sounds that get lost when one’s focus is on either the absence of talk or the obsession with verbal communication, the discomfort that can arise when one is not comfortable with silence.’ (p.45)


 ‘… when I think back to those moments of silence […] it seems as if there was something going on that related to an intrinsic sense of being. It is this sense that I have found most challenging and intriguing.  […]What continues to fascinate me is the being-ness of being. And it is from this that I continue to learn.’

‘…to me, this silence has always felt like a moment of presence. So, instead of allowing the silence to melt into language […] it should be perhaps left as what it is: a connection with something larger than the self.’ (p.46)

My Random Thoughts on Silence for 12 March 2013:

Being in the moment enables me to appreciate so much. No concerns. No worries. As I sit, in the early morning listening to soft rain on the tin roof of my house, I can hear the birds also enjoying its softness as they call out to me. All of this I feel, hear and smell as a soft breeze gently touches the mosquito net over my bed. Looking out through my window at the mist moving through the trees and fields outside; the cows grazing in the distance seem like matchbox toys. My verandah is a carpet of violet jacaranda blossoms, carried there by the wind. I wonder why we humans invest so much time and energy being so stressed by lives that we have made so complicated.

On Silence
from Krishnamurti [This Light in Oneself: True Meditation. Jiddu Krisnamurti, Shambala Books 1999] :

Thought comes to an end. Then there is that sense of absolute silence in the brain. All the movement of thought has ended. It has ended but it can be brought into activity when there is necessity in the physical world, Now, it is quiet. It is silent. And where there is silence there must be space, immense space, because there is no self. The self has its own limited space, it creates its own little space. But when the self is not, which means the activity of thought is not, then there is vast silence in the brain because it is now free of all its conditioning.

That may be the most holy, the most sacred - may be. You cannot give it a name. It is perhaps the unnamable. And when there is that, then there is intelligence and compassion and love. So life is not fragmented. It is a whole unitary process, moving, living.
